>--Gimme a break...Carrol ain't lying, he's expressing an opinion different
>from yours and is adamant in doing so. Why the need to resort to accusing
>him of 'lying'? Saying he's got it all wrong is an argument, accusing him
>of lying?
ok. how about dishonest. it is dishonest to ignore, continually, the threat-- a group of people did not spend 1/2 a million clams to engage in a one time only deal. and it is dishonest to ignore the fact that turning the other cheek sends the message to every yahoo group with a grudge that they can get away with it, particularly if our response is to pull out of the ME AND turn the other cheek. after all, the US did nothing and will do nothing if you whack it on the knee with a baseball bat. so, why not try some more, they will say. what do YOU do when you know that, as long as you're white or white looking, the cops don't stop you til you drive 75 mph? what do you do when you know that there are DWI checks or you know that the DWI arrests are increasing?
punishment as deterrence does actually work for some who might launch such an attack.
as i've said repeatedly, my answer is to stay out of the ME. but, unlike some here, i do not dismiss the fact that 9-11 was intended as the first salvo in a war against the US that was declared several years ago by a very patient people. and i do not dismiss the very high probability that doing nothing and extracting ourselves from the ME will likely mean the instantiation of some very violent regimes in the middle east, regimes that by their very violence provoke a leftist uprising, as some leftists like to argue or, at least, imply. talk about getting others to do your dirty work for you.
those on the do nothing wagon need to admit that their hands are just as bloody as anyone else's here.