Bin Laden--the Trotsky of Revolution

rhisiart at rhisiart at
Sun Oct 28 22:30:05 PST 2001

interesting. The Times isn't really noted for its understanding of dissenters.

i'd say Osama is a lot closer to being the venture capitalist of islamic fundamentalism. a fact which should play better in the US than it's doing considering our obsession with and veneration of venture capitalists. ;-)


At 08:52 PM 10/28/2001, you wrote:
>"[Bin Laden] is much closer to the immature
>charismatics who have come to the surface in many
>revolutionary situations, danced for the moment on the
>flood of events, and then been submerged by them. He
>is a Robespierre or lesser Trotsky, perhaps only a
>Duke of Monmouth. He is one of those of whom Lenin was
>thinking when he wrote of “left-wing deviationism — an
>infantile disorder”. For all his personal austerity,
>and his merciless use of terror, he belongs to the
>category of playboy revolutionary, a rich man’s spoilt
>son petulantly seeking the approval of his deceased
>Kevin Dean
>Buffalo, NY
>ICQ: 8616001

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