> What's wrong with these letters is that they fail to make it explicit
> that the WB like the IMF and WTO are merely extensions of US foreign
> policy that are managed strictly for the benefit of US elites. These
> are international means to manipulating numerous local domestic
> policies and coordinate them for the interest and benefit of US
> corporate/governance.
On the bright side, those US elites are economically and financially *owned* by East Asia and the EU, so we're certain to experience a delightfully vicious, sustained and messy legitimation crisis, as Babylon eats itself (or in more Marxist terminology, as neoliberalism's US superstructures and EU/East Asian infrastructures claw each other's eyes out). Remember, the US owes its paymasters trillions in currency units which, in a mere 118 days, will no longer be its own.
-- Dennis