Fwd: WIPOUT Essay Contest Launched Today

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Wed Sep 5 06:12:16 PDT 2001

[attachment severed]

Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 09:14:28 +1200 (NZST) From: WIPOUT Endorsers <wipout_endorsers at yahoo.co.nz> Subject: WIPOUT Essay Contest Launched Today: Update for Endorsers


My name is Stephanie Howard (from Aotearoa New Zealand) and I am WIPOUT liaison for the endorsers of the IP counter essay contest.

Today is launch day for the competition. The website is now officially up and running (www.wipout.net) and a publicity campaign is in full flight.

As you can see, we have a very impressive list of endorsers and sponsors. A copy of the list follows at the end of this message, and we would appreciate it if you would check your own information and provide any additional information and/or corrections that are necessary.

As friends and supporters of the contest, we hope that you will also be able to join in spreading the word about the contest. We already have an extensive collection of names of journalists and mailing lists that we will be contacting, but if you have any suggestions, we would certainly be interested in knowing their names and e-mail addresses. You will find a publicity package attached.

Please encourage members of your group, students, or people you know to submit an essay to the contest. We have already received four essays ready for launch day visitors. Essays will be immediately posted on the website. Just to remind you, the question for the essay contest is:

What does intellectual property mean to you in your daily life?

The maximum word length is 2,000 words and we will be judging essays in English, German, Spanish and French. The prize winners will be announced 26 April 2002. Entries can be submitted to: entries at wipout.net. We will also be accepting typed essays (that can be scanned) through the mail.

Mail to:

IP Counter Essay Contest Kent Law School Eliot College University of Kent Canterbury Kent United Kingdom CT2 7NS

We have also created a special category we are calling "point of view." This category will ask the same question, but the word limit will be 400 words. These points of view will not be judged or eligible for prizes, but they will be posted on the website for people to read. We already have six of these ready for launch day. We want to encourage you as endorsers and sponsors and friends to send in your own "point of view". Three of the endorsers already have, including one from "Dolly the Sheep."

Submit these to: pointofview at wipout.net

A Los Angeles artist Miltos Manetas has designed a contest poster, which is attached. We are currently printing a somewhat different A3-sized ( 11 x17 in.) colour version which can be mailed out for posting. If you would like one of these posters, drop a line to contact at wipout.net with the number that you want and your postal address. You should receive them in a couple of weeks in the post.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for their generous donations. Our financial picture improved considerably where we received a grant in early August of $US 3,000 from the Center for the Public Domain (US). However, all donations are essential for the contest to be a success. Although we are an "all volunteer" committee and are quite deliberately keeping costs to a minimum, we could use additional funds for prizes, mailing costs, and minor administrative matters. Thus, if you know of anyone who may wish to help sponsor the event, even with a small donation, we would appreciate it.

Additionally, if you committed to donating funds but have not yet done so, please send your contributions to:

Alan Story Kent Law School University of Kent Canterbury Kent United Kingdom CT2 7NS

Payment should be to the " IP Counter Essay Contest."

>From the UK: cheques are preferred. From elsewhere: we
would prefer money orders or bank drafts; personal checks can take weeks to clear. Our treasurer can send an invoice/ receipt by e-mail if you wish.

If you wish to contact me, my e-mail is, as above, wipout_endorsers at yahoo.co.nz. The main contest e-mail address is: contact at wipout.net

Many thanks for your support,

Stephanie Howard


Attachments ___________

- Competition Poster (pdf file) - Publicity Package (Announcing WIPOUT and Todays Press Release: MSword documents)

(If you have trouble accessing these documents let me know)

TO FOLLOW: ENDORSERS LIST. Please Check Your Details


WIPOUT Counter Essay Contest ____________________________


ORGANISATIONS Center for the Public Domain, USA. "Supporting a Healthy and Robust Public Domain". www.centerforthepublicdomain.org

Critical Lawyers' Group, Kent Law School. Canterbury, UK. http://www.nclg.org.uk

The Gray Panthers. Sponsors of the RePhorma Project and SPAN Coalition Stop Patient. www.SPANCoalition.org

EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations). The Hague, The Netherlands. http://www.eblida.org

Electronic Frontier Foundation, USA. http://www.eff.org

Freemuse (Freedom of Musical Expression). Campaigning against censorship of music. www.freemuse.org

Futuresonic, Manchester, UK. The UK's annual festival of sonic pleasure & audio visual arts. http://www.futuresonic.com

The Gene Campaign, India. http://www.cuts-india.org/Gene-Campaign.htm

Health GAP coalition. "Bridging the Gap in Access to Medicines" http://aids.org/healthgap/

Negativland. Experimental-music, radio and video collective, anti-corporate/copyright artist activists. http://www.negativland.com

The Register, UK. The Register: "Biting the hand that feeds IT" online magazine. http://www.theregister.co.uk

RTMark. Brokerage for anti-corporate activism, http://www.rtmark.com

The Third World Network (TWN), Penang, Malaysia. http://www.twnside.org.sg

Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc., USA. Publishers of Linux Journal. http://www.ssc.com

Treatment Action Campaign, South Africa. HIV/AIDS, health care - http://www.tac.org.za

INDIVIDUALS Susan Aker (The CyberClan), USA.

Michael Ashburner Professor of Biology, Department of Genetics, Cambridge University, UK.

Ann Bartow, Professor of Law, Univ. of South Carolina School of Law, Columbia, SC, USA.

Noam Chomsky, author and Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma. USA.

Martin Cloonan, Dept of Adult and Continuing Education, University of Glasgow; Chair of FreeMuse.

Michael H. Davis, (IP Professor), Cleveland State University, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland, OH, USA.

Rod Dixon (visiting Professor of Law), Rutgers University Law School, Camden, New Jersey, USA

Peter Drahos, Professor of IP, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, UK.

Peter L. Fitzgerald, Associate Professor, Stetson University College of Law, St. Petersburg, Florida USA.

John Frow, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

Debora Halbert, Associate Professor of Political Science, Otterbein College, Ohio USA.

Paul Heald, Allen Post Professor University of Georgia School of Law, Athens, Georgia, USA.

Doug Henwood, Editor and Publisher of Left Business Observer, USA.

Peter Jaszi, Professor of IP, Washington College of Law, American University, Washington D.C., USA.

Andre Lucas (IP Professor), University of Nantes, Nantes, France.

Peter Lurie, Deputy Director Public Citizen's Health Research Group. Washington DC, USA

Miltos Manetas, visual artist, www.manetas.com , www.Iamgonnacopy.com Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Michael Mansfield. Barrister, Honourary president, National Critical Lawyers Group, London, UK.

Brian Martin , Associate Professor of Science, Technology & Society, University of Wollongong, Australia.

Eben Moglen, Professor of Law, Columbia University, and General Council for the Free Software Foundation, New York City, NY, USA.

John Oswald, Canadian Musician, founder of Plunderphonics. http://www.plunderphonics.com/

Ray Patterson. Professor of Law, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA.

Svend Robinson. Member of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada.

Ram Samudrala, Free Music creator and advocate, Computational Genomics Professor University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. USA.

Prof. Udo Schuklenk, Head of Bioethics, Co-Editor BIOETHICS University of the Witwatersrand , Johannesburg, South Africa

Joost Smiers, Director of the Centre of Research, Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Maryly Snow. Visual artist & chair, Visual Resources Association Intellectual Property Rights Committee, Berkeley, Ca. USA.

Paul van Buitenen, auditor/whistleblower of European Commission fraud; Readers' Digest "European of the Year" Luxembourg.

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