Hi-jack fall-out

Brad DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Tue Sep 11 10:15:54 PDT 2001

> > If anything, this
>>reduces the case for Star Wars, and inflates
>>the case for everything else.
>I didn't say the reaction would be rational, just that since that will be
>one of the "defensive" measures pushed by Bush in the wake of the event,
>Congress will not turn down the "Commander in Chief" declaring it is

Nathan is right...

>Civil liberties will of course be on the chopping block as well. And the
>Palestinians just lost most chance they had for a state for the next decade
>or so with pictures of celebrations in Nablus interspersed with the pictures
>of death and destruction in NYC.

Probably. It's very possible that the biggest losers from today are (i) those killed and (ii) Yasser Arafat. This may be what the authors intended...

Brad DeLong

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