kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Tue Sep 11 17:52:25 PDT 2001

by the way,i learned of this search engine that files breaking news from news sites as they come in: http://www.daypop.com (also caches them WITH DATES they were cached!) NO POP UPS google like in construction.

At 04:08 PM 9/11/01 -0500, Forstater, Mathew wrote:
>kelley - any confirmation on gas prices in some areas of flo. rising to
>$4 a gallon as people who were booked on flights turned to rent-a-cars
>and lined up at stations for gas?

i've not heard anything. i asked winn, my boss, who's hooked in with more florida people than i am, he laughed. the local papers say nothing about this, afaik. but it's quite possible that there was gouging going on. in NY during huge ice storm and bad summer storms in Adirondacks and Syracuse, they were gouging people for milk. hell, CNN was reporting stock prices for a long time early on, eh?

my son stayed ins chool but there was some fears rampaging thru school and a whole posse of kids got scared and took off, hopped this fence and were gone. the news was that they'd evacuated all off tampa (Ha! if you know about tampa's ridick traffic). i guess they only evacuated three miles around McDill. i'm not in tampa, but in PIEnellas county, near the infamous highway 19 north -- we have highest pedestrian death rate

the roads are all blocked off around here. and the ghettocopters are surveilling my neighborhood to make sure everyone's kept in line! they SOP at 2 am during the summer and I about flipped when i heard them hovering overhead as dusk fell. there are unconfirmed reports of snipers on buildings in strategic places. why? beats me. probably rumor mill grinding away. i just got a 6k raise. i'm moving.

my mother, in vt, doesn't live too far from a nuke plant. she's a nurse and would be on call for such emergencies--something about defense plan for routing medical personnel from New England to help with tragedies in major urban hubs. anyway, she went outside for a break and was paralyzed with fear when she heard a plane fly over head. don't blame her. but icouldn't figure out why she'd heard planes flying overhead? maybe it was a plane headed for CA? or Military.


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