Pentagon/WTC Bombings, Mainstream Media, Socialist Left and Far Right

James Baird jlbaird3 at
Thu Sep 13 18:24:38 PDT 2001

--- Michael Pugliese <debsian at> wrote:

>From one of the pages referenced: (Posse Comitatus)

"One might look for Martial Law and gun confiscation as steps to remove 'terrorism' in the land.........even though the planes were 'hijacked' with the use of plastic knives and cardboard cutters..........ask yourself, what if the passengers [who all died], and the pilots [who all died] had weapons? To me a happy plane is one where the passengers can overcome 'terrorists' just by carrying, and likely, never using their weapons......but OH NO, guns are not permitted upon airplanes......."

Usually, I pride myself on being able to follow the twists and turns of even the sickest minds, but this guy's lost me...

Jim Baird

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