(no subject)

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Fri Sep 14 12:35:15 PDT 2001

At 04:05 AM 9/14/01 +0000, Justin wrote:
>Btw, the WTC hijackers certainly thought that they were doing something
>tragic and awful that would nonetheless make the world a better place by
>their lights. Perhaps they thought they were striking a blow at US
>imperialism, or retaliating for US support of Israeli repression of the
>Palestinians, or something of that sort. They were wrong to think so; they
>were simply doing something appalling. But they were doing it out of better
>motives than Bill, who killed to boost his polls and get reelected.

Justin, your ability to read people's minds amazes me. Can you tell us how you do that?


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