(no subject)

Lawrence lawrence at krubner.com
Sat Sep 15 19:15:39 PDT 2001

> >>Carl
> >Sheer brutality that fills the marketplace? Indonesia where working
> >class standards of living today are four times what they were a third
> >of a century ago?
> >
> >I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to drop out of this list. Too many
> >ignorant fools, and its pushing me rightward into a place where I
> >don't want to be.
> >
> >Brad DeLong
> You've been there all along, Brad.
> Carl

Even if Brad DeLong is further to the right then the majority of this list, the list can still listen to his viewpoints respectfully. I realize that schisms have a long history on the Left, but I don't understand why people celebrate and indulge in them. Why tear up people who are basically sympathetic to progressive causes? It is not inclusive, it does not build a coalition, it doesn't seem in any way constructive to me. There's this hunger in some people for theoretical purity, and in practical terms all it does paralyze people and retard the formation of alliances.


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