depressing outcomes (fwd)

kelley kwalker2 at
Sun Sep 16 17:02:59 PDT 2001

did i ask you to desert your principles Pope? Next time, deliver the words of wizzzdom to Yoshie, since she was yapping about the justice system before i bothered. also, tell Yoshie about peace, she apparently thinks war would be rilly rilly kewl for the revo.

>Angela Davis, correctly I think, has been arguing for the abolition of
>prisons. Were I on any jury I would almost certainly vote for acquittal
>without even listening to either the defense or the prosecution. Johnny
>Cash wrote a song, entitled I think "San Quentin," in which he
>proclaimed that that prison had never done any good for anyone.
>I don't see any reason to desert these principles.
>What exactly does it mean, anyhow, to say that "the people who did this
>should be brought to justice"? And what business is if of anyone except
>those engaged in the justice system? Why should we have an opinion
>either way? The courts or the FBI aren't very interested in our opinion.
>P.S. The outcomes of are NOT depressing. It is really
>encouraging that under the present overwhelming cascade of patriotic
>shit 4% of respondents actually opposed military action. That's several
>million people -- and undoubtedly another 4% would have said the same
>except that they were (reasonably) too timid (too sensible, given the
>isolated nature of a poll-respondent) to speak up on their own and say
>what they thought rather than what they are expected to say. The task of
>leftists is to speak to that 4+%, to give them courage, to show them
>they are not really alone.

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