Kinda quiet

/ dave / arouet at
Sun Sep 16 18:15:39 PDT 2001

lweiger at wrote:

> On a more serious note, it's hard to believe that anyone thinks Gore would
> be any more of a warmonger than Bush. After all, I'm pretty sure we killed
> a lot more people in Iraq (Sr.'s war) than in Serbia (Clinton's war).

You're comparing apples to cumquats.

Gore is much more Gore than Bush will ever be Bush - Bush being more of a composite. When there are more heads at work, the net result, regardless of ideology, tends to be more considered.

And Clinton / Gore, being liberals, were all dick and swagger with no checks. In the case of the Repugs, there is a chaste, almost puritanical limiting factor that comes into play and moderates impulsive behavior.

That doesn't mean the net result won't be just as nasty, just that it'll take longer and be less sloppy.


/ dave /

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