The Wager (Re: Interview with Noam Chomsky by Radio B92, Belgrade (fwd)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Tue Sep 18 11:22:19 PDT 2001

>dearest yoshie,
>it is precisely because of historical knowledge that i find your
>speculations truly sad.
>1. one of the reasons why the soviet revolution was followed by
>repression was, in part, because it had seized upon the turmoil of
>rapid social change in order to advance communism at an inopportune
>time, or so many critics thought. marx was asked about this
>endeavor and he replied: not using a state, though he supported the
>village mir. i will look up the ref, if you want.
>the soviet revolution and its aftermath during the 20s and 30s does
>not inspire me. that topic is offlimits. 'nuff said.
>2. it is funny to read you speculate on this idea that we could
>possibly successfully manage a revo given that the Pope has said
>over and over again that we are ill-prepared, that the institutional
>conditions are not particularly good.

Kelley, I think you are giving a more optimistic interpretation of my post than I intended. I wrote: "A protracted large-scale war of the kind that appears to be in the works, with ground troops and all, has a potential to destabilize many regimes, unlike a brief cruise-missile strike from afar. It's a danger, but also an opportunity, for anyone who seeks to bring about radical social change, be it for the left or the right." Now, look at current conditions objectively; which side is better organized -- leftists or rightists, here or in the Middle East?


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