Fw: [World-Action] FW: [tuffmilitia.com] Fw: Fw: [RMNEWS2] (Fwd) (Fwd) Konformist: Top View on 911

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Wed Sep 19 11:36:03 PDT 2001

----- Original Message ----- From: World-Action To: [A] WORLD-ACTION Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 10:58 AM Subject: [World-Action] FW: [tuffmilitia.com] Fw: Fw: [RMNEWS2] (Fwd) (Fwd) Konformist: Top View on 911

True or False 1.) afpn has shut down its' Web page 2.)The terrorist attack of Sep 11 was orchestrated by Bush/G8/Illuminati. 3.)Those standing to benefit from a war are the Bush Dynasty, the oil companies, Israel and the "Queenie" who owns (leasehold corporation) "The Virginia Company." 4.) The Virginia Comapny covers a geographic area of about 58-68 sq. mi. in of Wash D.C. and Alexandria, Va. It is not a nation, country or government. It is a corporate structure belonging to the Queen of England and is also known as The United States of America. 5.)There are 11 sets of the Satanic 11 involved with the Attack on the Pentagon/WTC, highly orchestrated and quite orgasmic to the Elitists Satanists. (See separate document to follow). 6.)No way did G.W. return to base Sep 11 aboard the Air Force One if, indeed, he, as the figurehead puppet leader "of the world's greatest nation" were any wise in danger. It would have been a violation of all federal, presidential security protocol. Anyone believing the media hype that DSS hold him, upon debarking, to "run for it," is off in lah-lah land. 7.)If the FBI were truly to make public the investigated perps, which is impossible in an Illuminati-controlled media, they would be foiled or shot. "Despondent suicides" don't you know. 8.)Persons saying that we should assist the authorities to find the perps are off in lah-lah land. 9.)Persons perpetuating speculation are aiding and abeting 'spin.' 10.)4,000 Israelis failed to report for work at the WTC Sep 11. 11.)Media releases showing Muslims celebrating the attack of terrorism and loss of human life on American soil were 1991 archives file footages. 12.)Clinton, a Bush gopher, did not feminize the US Military, despite documented evidence that he favors "boys." The concept in actual practice was rampant with Hitler and his men. The "elitie" of his guys frequently got together for such activities just like is now done at Bohemian Grove. This includes homosexuality, child rape, kiddie porn and up to and including snuff films. (See Lively, Scott and Abrams, Kevin; THE PINK SWASTIKA. See also DeCamp, John; THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP: CHILD ABUSE, SATANISM AND MURDER IN NEBRASKA. See also Greeley, Andrew: FALL FROM GRACE. This author boasts about the fact that, in the early 1990s fall of the Archdiocese in Chicago, all the priests got off scott-free. He calls it a "happy ending"...like the efforts of Kenneth V. Lanning/SSAC/Occult Crimes/BSU/FBI/Quantico. 13.)Gopher Clinton confiscated millions upon upon millions of acres of land under BLM as forests, monument status, etc. All under Dept of Interior. 14.)With FEMA you have no property. 15.)No one can camp (hide out) on federal property unless he/she has a fixed place of residence. 16.)The Unites States Forestry has recruited more armed agents than any other fedreral LE agency in recent years. 17.)Clinton signed a bill calling for all new phones to be equipped with remote surveillance electronics. This includes cells. 18.)All newer model vehicles have tracking devices that can be activated. 19.)Satellites have been re-tasked to locate living entities in obscure locations. They would likely be shot as subversives, tresasonists. (Under google, go into NASA requesting satellite orbits. You can opt for all nations and corporate satellites as well as our own. In single orbits, "hugging" the Earth, there is one satellite after another. I.e., when one goes out of range, another comes into it. 20.)Dental care in recent years, extractions and fillings, may well have come complete with locater chips, readily activated. (If considered an enemy of the Illuminati, they are acvtivated upon installation into the gum cavity or filling at time of insertion). 21.)To view a contempory microchip, go to www.davidicke.com. Scroll through the maze until you can opt. Select articles by Icke himself. Scroll to Micro, micro, micro, micro....You will be shocked unless you're already well aware. 22.)Factions of the various militias of Michigan came into play with the assist of John Troctman, head of MOM, (Militia of Montana). A contemporary paperback book with a title something like "Domestic Terrorism," is a book discussing the 50 states' various militias. The author cites the FBI as saying their greatest concern of them all is the MOM, headed by the dangerous and "volatile" John Troctman. Spin. He's, by his own admission to me, an asset to FBI/ATF and harbors no remorse about the deaths of Vicki and Sammy. Please consider that Mr. Randall Weaver would likely not have altered firearms unless he had been reassured they would go to what he believd were appropriate hands. Who might he be told that would be? That's one point in all the literature about the "Ridge" that has never been explored. Hmm! 23.)Michigan (governmental) Mafia is one of the most Satanic and ruthless, especially to women and children, of them all. God will deal with those who "sleep with the enemy."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you answered false to more than 1-2 of the above, my guess is you flunked out of Top Gun, so to speak........CRASHED AND BURNED.


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