question about Milosevic

michael pugliese debsian at
Wed Sep 19 14:58:49 PDT 2001

Typing that single word, "Milosevic, " under great time constraints (hey, has everyone else been getting 200-300 e-mails a day too?) when on the thread in the past, I've given a litany/rant that says in addition to Milosevic, the responsible parties that took his orders and filtered it down through the chain of command in the JNA and the paramilitaries were Mladic, Karazdic, Seselj and others whose names will in the years to come become more well known. Ken's point about personalizing would be apposite if I was Time magazine. Or the New republic drawing a Hitler mustache on Saddaam Hussein. Mass death requires a bureaucracy, in the commonplace about the Holocaust. Before, y'all jump to the keyboards again, I'm not saying Milosevic was Hitler. Leave that distortion of my p.o.v. to Doyren or Proyect or Jared Israel. Michael Pugliese

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