> Yep. However, your're more likely to get heads once by flipping the coin
> multiple times. This has nothing to do with the (non)influece of past
> events on future events. Your chance of not getting heads at least once in
> five tries (or, in other words, getting tails five consecutive times) is
> 1/64.
*smacks self in head*
Yep, you're right. Since probabilities must equal 1, the probability of getting outcome A in n tries is equal to 1 - probability of n consecutive !A outcomes.
-- Matt Cramer <cramer at voicenet.com> http://www.voicenet.com/~cramer/ PGP Key ID: 0x1F6A4471 aim: beyondzero123 yahoo msg: beyondzero123 icq: 120941588
We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat.
-John Perry Barlow