poll on civil liberties

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sun Sep 23 18:49:46 PDT 2001

Ian Murray wrote:
> Which is why we have to tell the anti-imperialist story with a
> Shakespearean sensibility. Militancy and righteousness will be *very*
> counterproductive.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "militancy" but will leave it an undefined term for now.

Righteousness, I agree, is always productive only for reaction. But an anti-war movement has two aspects which are in some contradiction:

It must grow, which (tautologically) means attracting new people, and militancy will tend to limit its appeal.

It must generate sharp social divisions, moving the nation towards ungovernability -- since it will never attract an electoral majority. Some form of militancy is necessary for that. And even if it did attract an electoral majority, the politicians that majority elected would still pursue a war policy.


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