much has been made recently of the hart-rumsfeld security commission reports predicting terrorism in mainland america. unfortunately, it goes back further than that:,1361,557678,00.html
however, having said that, it also appears that gary hart, of all people, may for the first time ever have a more sensible position than christopher hitchens. no, seriously.,1002,115%257E150216,00.html (ignore the title, please) a sample: "Killing Osama bin Laden or even bringing him to trial will not solve the problem. It may make us feel better. It may feel that justice has been served," Hart said, but the environment that produces the anti-American terrorists actually could be enhanced by such action.
"There are just millions of young people in refugee camps around the world," he said. "They have literally no hope for the future. Their parents have been killed in tribal wars or whatever. They're starving. These are the recruits in this type of warfare.
"They will not be defeated by conventional military forces. Indeed, they probably won't be defeated by military forces at all."
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