Capitalism Exploits Stupid Capitalists ... and just about everybody else

Rob Schaap rws at
Wed Sep 26 03:00:15 PDT 2001

G'day Doug,

>Only when it's not in the data.

Well, I'll admit I'm not as data-literate as you, comrade, but I did (and certainly do) have a few going for my bleak take on the world. The US economy has vomited out beaut GDP figures these last few years, but you can get those producing what you ain't selling (an ever more sated domestic effective demand and a poor and insecure external world) and buying with money you're not making (on the part of corporations and consumers alike since about 1997).

For a while.

As for data, the condemned man's vital signs are absolutely spot on right up to the moment they shoot him. For all we know, the race might be on as we speak for the role of firing squad. The winner survives (bullets and such are ever an investment opportunity when investment opportunities have dried up, and, with a bit of luck, a bit of competing capital might be taken out with same. Win/Win!) and the loser goes to the wall.

Bleakly yours, Rob.

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