Sociology and Explanations (Re: Hitchens responds to critics

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Thu Sep 27 08:20:57 PDT 2001

At 07:49 PM 9/26/01 -0400, kelley wrote:
>they think they do. they think they represent th oppressed masses in the
>same way left intellectuals in the US do. if you have learned anything from
>a postmodern critique of modernity it is this: modernity's discourse is one
>that claims to be able to make universal claims for all people about human
>nature, freedom, justice, etc.

Kelley: In the good old days, asylums were full of people with delusions of grandeur, claiming to represent various human and divine interest. I do not need the pomo crap to understand that.

The question is not what various lunatics, moral entrepreneurs, intellectual commodity peddlers and kindred parasites claim, but what resources - material and human - they have on their disposal and what ends they are able to pursue thanks to having these resources. The discourse (modernity or otherwise) enables them to nothing, except perhaps babbling to those willing to listen. Ideological justifications of the use of material resources is just words - not worth the paper on which they are printed.


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