What's more, why is Hitch allowing his byline to appear here?
Is this a political coalition with which he feels comfortable? Note that not only is he attacking Chomsky alongside David Horowitz, his byline appears directly beneath that of Werner Cohn's, a vet of Americans For A Safe Israel and the author of a pamphlet that charges Chomsky with Holocaust denial. Are these Hitch's new friends in the fight against terror? And what are their views concerning the poor of the Middle East -- better or worse than Chomsky's?
Another thing -- has Hitch come out against his friend Sontag over her piece in the New Yorker? Recall she mentioned the WTC blasts and US bombing of Iraq in the same breath, precisely the sort of soft-on-fascism linkage that Hitch is railing against. Why the free pass? Because she supported NATO strikes against Serbians?