Potemkin prosperity

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sun Sep 30 11:25:32 PDT 2001

Carl Remick wrote:
> In every way from at least Reagan onward, the US has truly been a fool's
> paradise.

Starting things with Reagan both distorts history and contributes to the continuing status of the DP as a major barrier to the formation of mass movements on the left.

Carter began airline deregulation.

Carter launched, with great fanfare, the assault against the secular regime in Afghanistan and the support of the Taliban.

Carter in effect signed Bishop Romero's death warrant by refusing to respond to Romero's direct request to him to stop supporting the ongoing massacre in El Salvador. Carter more than Reagan was the _fons et origo_ of the Contras.

In so far as we draw links (direct or indirect) between u.s. policy and the 9/11 attacks, the best personification of that policy is none other than that fucking peanut-farmer and herald of reaction, Jimmy Carter.

An anarchist slogan coined in the Northwest in 1976 was all too true a summary of u.s. politics in the next quarter century: Don't vote in '76, It will only enocourage them.


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