Hi. Here is what a German friend of mine wrote me after quickly perusing the Der Spiegel article. Jayson : As you probably knew, the piece in Der Spiegel (a kind of Newsweek equivalent but more liberal leaning) is about suspicions that pictures of cheering Palestinians might be bogus. A TV journalist ('Panorama', a show comparable to 60 minutes) is quoted who took the effort to watch the complete AP and Reuters coverage from Palestine, not just the few seconds that made it on air. It turns out the pictures are quite suspicious in that there are always just small groups of people cheering; in the few instances where a whole street can be seen, most people there just walk around. (Check, for example, this one: http://www.spiegel.de/grossbild/0,1518,PB64-aW1naWQ9MTM0ODc0LWFydGlkPTE1ODYyNS1jaGFubmVsPXBvbGl0aWs_3,00.html.) In addition, one Palestinian woman claims to have cheered only because she's been offered some cake in return. _____________________________________________________________ Visit the Fair Trade Federation http://www.fairtradefederation.org Support fair trade with every email. Sign up for your free email account you@gofairtrade.net--> http://www.gofairtrade.net