11:58am (UK) Left-Wing Teachers Back Palestinian Militants
By Dominic Hayes, Education Correspondent, PA News
Teachers today voted in support of the right of Palestinian refugees to return to Israel at a time when the two sides are getting nearer to all-out war.
Leaders of the socialist wing of the National Union of Teachers said they could understand why Palestinians chose to become suicide bombers, a declaration that was bound to enrage opinion in and out of Israel.
However, an attempt by the NUTs Far Left to equate the deaths of Iraqi children which they claim are caused by UN sanctions with the September 11 attacks will probably not occur, as they ran out of time in the Easter Monday morning session reserved for debate.
In a passionate discussion, union moderates at the annual conference in Bournemouth attempted to keep the NUT policy in line with Education International, the global association of unions representing 24 million teachers.
EI has not called for the right of return of Palestinian refugees, a move Israelis fear would lead to them becoming a minority in their state, they said.
Bernard Regan, leader of the Socialist Teacher Alliance and a member of the NUTs national executive said: I dont condone suicide bombers.
However, he added: We can condemn their actions but we should understand them its born of despair.
Suicide bombers killed at least 16 Israelis in two attacks in less than 24 hours while a minimum of 40 were injured yesterday.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has been trapped by the Israeli army in his compound in the Palestinian town of Ramallah.
===== Kevin Dean Buffalo, NY ICQ: 8616001 AIM: KDean75206 Buffalo Activist Network http://www.buffaloactivist.net http://www.yaysoft.com
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