TV violence and studies

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Mon Apr 1 23:35:16 PST 2002

- --Only if the U. S. and Japan are equivalent in every other way, besides prevalence of violent media. The difference in aggressive conduct could be due to any of numerous cultural and/or historical factors that overwhelm the causal effects of media violence. The media hypothesis is typically stated "media violence is one of many causal factors that provoke real-life aggression". Thus the Japan case (or any cross- cultural research) provides no clear evidence in favor of or against the hypothesis.



BTW the murder rate in Moscow is still half that in Washington, DC.

Last month, I think it was, some poor, poor bastard was going home from a billiards hall early in the morning and apparently get mugged and dumped into a garbage bin (though why the thieves didn't take his cell phone is beyond me). He woke up about 6 am in the back of a trash compactor. The Moscow cops wouldn't send anyone because they thought his calls were pranks. This has made me very, very wary of walking around drunk late at night. Ugh. What a way to go.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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