list housekeeping

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Tue Apr 2 11:52:24 PST 2002

Slipping into listmom mode...

1) When replying to a post, please don't quote 12k of material with a three-line comment prepended. Just quote the relevant portions. That's a third of a digest - and 12,000 bytes * 333 subscribers = almost 4 megabytes of data, which, at 8 cents a meg, comes to 32 cents. There are better ways to spend my money. So for the sake of subscribers and my monthly panix bill, cut before responding.

2) Free email services - and unsurprisingly, hotmail seems the worst - have very low disk quotas for incoming mail. They fill up quickly and bounce back to me. That fills up my inbox, and is a pain in the butt. Lately, I've been unsub'ing such addresses almost immediately, so if you wonder where your lbo-talk went, that may be where.

3) If you try to post from an unsub'd address, the post will bounce to me. Also, posts with html encoding will frequently, and with attachments will almost always, bounce to me too. I used to be a patient listmom, and forward and/or recode. Now that I'm suffering from involutional crankiness, I'm deleting most of them. If you're wondering where your post went, that may be where.

4) Speaking of $, as I was in 1), contributions for the list are always welcome - either to Village Station, Box 953, NYC 10014-0704, or via <> to <dhenwood at>.

We now return to our regularly scheduled polemics.


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