Krugman faux-pas

pms laflame at
Fri Apr 5 08:18:25 PST 2002 59284cdde8e9721e

Krugman is going to get killed for this:

"But this crisis is different, if only because it is so awful. The unfolding tragedy in the Middle East reduces me and many others to despair in a way that Sept. 11 never did."

Is he nuts? Are the editors nuts? They couldn't add a coupla sentences to this paragraph to explain the nuance of this statement? One of the few people in mass media on a regular basis who says ok stuff and he has to write this? I can hear every right-wing talk-show, on radio, internet and tv, going on about this. A great tid-bit to feed the Rube Gallery. Another example of liberalism.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. And right after I was all happy because Phil Donahue is coming back.

Hey, what's better, cable or, how the fuck do you spell satelite? When will ATT buy up all the bankrupt assets of the telecom collapse and give me tv, internet and phone for $75/mo, please God? Sounds like a job for Carlyle.

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