Good philosophy

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Fri Apr 5 14:54:06 PST 2002

Good philosophy Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 13:19:50 -0800 From: "Luke Weiger" <lweiger at>

From: "Justin Schwartz" <jkschw at>

> One can talk abstractly about depth, profoundity, insight, complexity,
> range, fertility, but these things are pitched very abstractly. As my
> differences with Chris about JS Mill and Husserl show, even people with
> extensive professional education can differ about these things. Basically
> there is no hope whatsoever that anyone will ever say anything general and
> interesting about what makes philosophy good.

Or literature, film, art etc. With the high degree of variance between good works, one is forced to qualify and equivocate one's judgments about the essential good-making properties until each statement says essentially nothing.

- -- Luke


Charles: Yea, Justin , haven't you pretty much reduced it to the Justice Potter standard for pornography ( I mean the other term) - you know it when you see it ?

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