law, too, will be transcended

Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Fri Apr 5 20:31:41 PST 2002

>CB: I think roughly speaking Marx, a philosopher, envisioned Communism as
>having neither lawyers ( the state) nor philosophers ( high priests), but
>it would have Economists.

So, we will have people to make plans, but no one who specializes in the interpretation of the rules we have for implementing them. No doubt this will be because under communism, everyone will agree quite easily on what are the best plans, and will also learn to express him or herself so clearly and unambiguously that there will be no doubt about the meaning, moreover, unanticipated effects and situations will nor arise.

I said: It is a anatural propensity to
>truck and bartr. That doesn't mean itw ill be manifested in all
>circumstances, however,
>jks, esq.
>CB: The propensity to truck and barter is historical ,not natural. It
>follows from specialization and division of labor. Communism will have a
>division of labor. Everyone will not become a self-sufficient economic
>unit, like Robinson Crusoe, so there will still be exchange.

We don't disagree on this. I don't oppose natural to historical. Historical phenomena are realizations of natural tendencies in specific circumstances. NB, people have been exchnaging in one form or another ever since there were two of us, even prior to a division of labor.


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