Russia says it will work with WB

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Sat Apr 6 03:33:00 PST 2002

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 09:35:17 -0800 From: "Naji Dahi" <n.dahi12 at> Subject: Re: Russia says it will work with WB


I am very happy to hear that. I have always maintianed that as long as Russia is dependent on the IMF/WB, then they cannot monut any serious opposition to US hegemony of the world. Maybe that will change if Russia gets back on the road of economic growth and financial health. The less unipolar the world becomes, the more chances there are for LDC to play one pole against the other and prevent disasters like the Gulf War.


--------------- I was ecstatic to hear it.

I think one factor at work here is that the Russian elite currently in power -- unlike elites throughout the Third World -- is not used to playing the role of puppets for outside powers. They are used to being puppeteers. They have no interest in Russia becoming a client state.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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