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ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at russiajournal.com
Sat Apr 6 03:43:21 PST 2002

Justin said:

>Wittgenstein was a product of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

And worked for most of his career in England. Maybe I should have also claimed Marx and Engels for liberal democracy on the same grounds, so I will. They surea s hell couldn;t have done what they did on the contintent. That is why they were in England! Isaiah Berlin was "product" of Russia, and Karl Popper, Carnap, etc. were Viennese too. Does that mean that they didn't become English and American philosophers. --------- I say:

What's his name in the book Wittgenstein's Vienna makes a good case that Ludwig and the Logical Positivists should better be situated in the context of Austro-Hungarian neo-Kantianism and the vogue for Schopenhauer than in the tradition of Anglo-American philosophy.

The tone of Wittgenstein's philosophy, with its continual motif of quasi-religious spiritual searching and intellectual self-flagellation, is miles away from the spirit of most British philosophy. Though I was once thinking about writing a Heideggerian interpretation of Hume which would have identified him as a kind of Kierkegaard manque who, having realized the absurdity of life, turned to backgammon instead of God...

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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