why the US won't do this

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Mon Apr 8 17:21:12 PDT 2002

>>But the establishment itself would no more see Israel defeated than
>>they would see New York defeated. It is morally an extension of the
>>US. Anti-Israeli feeling outside of Palestine proper is inevitably a
>>form of anti-American feeling. The US elite could never bend to it,
>>without harming themselves.
>>The difference with Rambouillet is palpable. Sharon is not
>>Milosevic, however much we deracinated intellectuals might draw
>>formalistic comparisons: I mean that Israel is identified with the
>>US in a way that Serbia just never could be.
>>James Heartfield
>Comparison with Yugoslavia won't do, for reasons that you explain,
>but the US/Australia pulled East Timor on Indonesia, when it became
>clear that the severe economic crisis profoundly destabilized
>Indonesia, demanding a new political settlement, and that the
>leadership of the Timorese independence movement proved themselves to
>be cooperative. Perhaps the US has not moved on Israel because a
>similar crisis (an economic crisis leading to a legitimation crisis)
>has not happened to it yet.

Try as I might, I really can't follow this line of argument. It's as if some cognitive dissonance - not on my part I hope - is in effect. Milosevic is a war criminal. Sharon is a war criminal. Their victims didn't find their actions very formalistic. I sense an aporia in the anti-US-at-all-costs left argument.

Israel is NOT morally an extension of the US however hard the ultraleft and the Israeli and American right argue it is and however hard both would argue that the war on theocratic fascism and the war on Palestinians are one in the same.

The US is "bending" to international pressure as I type, demanding that the IDF pull out "immediately" and they have already started. Seems sort of "Rambouilletish". And I would really, really like to see Yoshie explain *why* a destablized Indonesia "needed a new political settlement," specifically one with an Independent East Timor, after the economic crisis. Jeez.


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