Mbeki's New Partnership for African Development

Diane Monaco dmonaco at pop3.utoledo.edu
Tue Apr 9 08:56:44 PDT 2002

[I received this great analytical piece a few days ago http://www.fpif.org/papers/nepad/index.html Diane]

FOREIGN POLICY IN FOCUS http://www.fpif.org/

Thabo Mbeki's New Partnership for Africa's Development: Breaking or Shining the Chains of Global Apartheid?

By Patrick Bond

Launched in October 2001, the New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD online at www.nepad.org) aims to establish a "new framework of interaction with the rest of the world, including the industrialized countries and multilateral organizations" as a means of putting Africa on a high-growth path. As a project of the African Union, it tries to articulate a regional development strategy. The NEPAD outlines a reciprocal set of commitments between Africa states, donor governments, and the private sector as a framework for managing Africa's integration into the world economy.

Analyst Patrick Bond critically evaluates the NEPAD's promise to promote growth and democracy in Africa, examining both the strategies for integration as well as its technocratic approach to democratic governance. He then outlines an alternative agenda to the NEPAD that is grounded in the struggles of African networks of social justice movements.

This is the latest contribution to our ongoing efforts to promote South-North Dialog. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the FPIF staff or the boards of either sponsoring organization. Comments are welcome. Please send to John Gershman <john at irc-online.org>.)

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