>...thought that a "final slump" might be in the offing.
> My memories are very vague, so this might be off the wall.
> Carrol
NSC 48? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nsc-hst/nsc-68.htm
[National Security Council]
NSC 68: United States Objectives and Programs for National Security
(April 14, 1950)
A Report to the President Pursuant to the President's Directive of January 31, 1950
[Washington,] April 7, 1950
Terms of Reference
I. Background of the Present World Crisis
II. The Fundamental Purpose of the United States
III. The Fundamental Design of the Kremlin
IV. The Underlying Conflict in the Realm of Ideas and Values Between the U.S. Purpose and the Kremlin Design
Nature of the Conflict Objectives Means
V. Soviet Intentions and Capabilities--Actual and Potential
VI. U.S. Intentions and Capabilities--Actual and Potential
VII. Present Risks
VIII. Atomic Armaments
A. Military Evaluation of U.S. and U.S.S.R. Atomic Capabilities
B. Stockpiling and Use of Atomic Weapons
C. International Control of Atomic Energy
IX. Possible Courses of Action
The Role of Negotiation
A. The First Course--Continuation of Current Policies, with Current and Currently Projected Programs for Carrying Out These Projects
B. The Second Course--Isolation
C. The Third Course--War
D. The Remaining Course of Action--A Rapid Build-up of Political, Economic, and Military Strength in the Free World