ace confesses?

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Apr 11 08:23:52 PDT 2002

C. G. Estabrook wrote:

>On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Brad DeLong wrote:
>> Of course, this is much less scary than is the claim that the NYT's
>> coverage of Cardinal Law's pedophilia-enabling is part of a Jewish
>> anti-Catholic plot to erode the moral authority of the Vatican to
>> criticize Israel...
>--a stupid and vicious smear of Cockburn. Here's what he wrote, from NY
>Press (emphasis added to a passage rather accurately capturing the debate
>on lbo-talk):


> *It's all pretty predictable. The viler
>the actions of Israel, the more rabid and undiscriminating the assaults of
>their troops on Palestinians in the camps, the shriller become charges
>here that almost any discussion of Israel or of the Israel lobby here is
>by its very nature anti-Semitic.* The day there's a photo of an Israeli
>soldier shooting a child next to the font in that Bethlehem church you'll
>find a big story in The New York Times about the troubling resurgence of
>anti-Semitism, with plenty of quotes from Abe Foxman of the ADL.

There was nothing shrill about the criticisms of Ace that appeared on here. Most were rather measured, I'd say. And there's been plenty of criticism of Israel regardless. But this use of "the Israeli lobby," without any mention of Israel's relevance to U.S. imperial policy, underscores how close this is to the conspiracist explanation of U.S. behavior.

When did AC start referring to himself in the third person?

And what's with this? Shouldn't any red-blooded anti-clericalist get behind front-paging scandals in the Catholic Church? This from the guy who practically invented the genre of press criticism?

>"And on the topic of the Times, have you noticed how that great paper has
>had a front-page piece rubbishing the Catholic Church as a nest of
>molesters every day for some time, especially since Sharon invaded
>Ramallah? The uncharitable could see this as a preemptive strike against
>papal criticism of Israel's actions, and also to shift attention away from
>the blood-stained molestations of the adherents of one of the other
>monotheistic religions."


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