Heudegger (and Woodstock)

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at russiajournal.com
Fri Apr 12 02:01:43 PDT 2002

To add to what has already been said, I think (in my unexpert opinion and having only studied "Being and Time" in group) that the way in which Heidegger touched popular culture the most (and I am not talking about his naziism...I am talking about how he touched popular culture in an enduring way) is through the notion of "authenticity"...that each person should make a project of his/her life free as possible from the tyranny of the "they", Das Man.


CB: This seems a type of individualism. How is this original with Heidegger ? ------------------------------- I wouldn't call Heidegger an individualist (though he has often been interpreted in that way in pop analysis). In BT, authentic individual existence is bound up with authentic communal existence as part of the "destiny of the people."

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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