anti-globalization label

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Fri Apr 12 08:45:22 PDT 2002

Bradford DeLong wrote:

>>Brad DeLong wrote:
>>>We neoliberals at least have broad agreement that
>>>developing-country governments are corrupt...
>>Multinational corporations, however, are all fine, upstanding
>>global citizens, who pay human wages, provide safe working
>>conditions, tend carefully to the earth, pay their fair share of
>>taxes, and publish honest accounts. Right?
>You seem to have me confused with Larry Lindsey...

Not really. But in making the point that developing-country governments are corrupt, you imply, intentionally or not, that developed country governments aren't and that "free trade" - which in this context means opening up to MNCs - doesn't come with its own brand of corruption. Poor countries need noncorrupt and competent governments, and rather badly. So do we.


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