First of all, the "Chomskian left" (what a retarded label) is alive and kicking. It seems to me that 9-11 will have no lasting effect on the American left and if anything, probably helped it by waking Americans up from their long TV-induced capitalist slumber. There are many indicators that Americans want to hear the ideas coming from the "Chomskyian left," judging from the popularity of Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky's books, as well as the increase in interest in alternative news websites.
Perhaps my memory is failing me, but I seem to remember that the response of the American left after 9-11 was on of asking people to look at the bigger picture and to examine the root causes that may have prompted the attacks. The American left did not immediately go into a "Blame America" mode, in fact its measured response was right on target. It wasn't until it became clear that the Bush administration had opted for war over justice that the left upped its criticism of the American state.
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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."
-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)