"Democratic Charter" Invoked to Restore Chavez

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Mon Apr 15 18:27:23 PDT 2002

>In many ways, this article points to the most encouraging aspect of the
>whole Chavez coup and anti-coup restoration-- the fact that multinational
>cooperation (in defiance of the United States) has advanced to the point to
>support democratic governance on principle. This is the form of global
>governance that we should highlight and build upon.
>-- Nathan Newman

I would say it was a combination of this and the Venezuelans' actions. And this was done in the absence of the Soviet Union! Wow!

>April 15, 2002
>Fear of Loss of Democracy Led Neighbors to Aid Return
>ANTIAGO, Chile, April 14 - Venezuela's neighbors helped pave the way for
>Hugo Chávez's stunning return to power early today by refusing to accept the
>legitimacy of the coup that overthrew him and by threatening to impose
>sanctions, Latin American diplomats say. The efforts opened a breach between
>the United States and its democratic allies in the Western Hemisphere.


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