Russian anti-semitism

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Tue Apr 16 01:12:44 PDT 2002

You must also remember that from the point of view of the former USSR and eastern europe, jews enjoyed two advantages after the second world war compared to the rest of the population: 1) many of them that had relatives abroad and received constant aid in the form of goods or money, which they could barter or profit from in their own country. 2) they were pretty much the only ones who could get out.

Joanna --------- I have often wondered why so many of the big-name oligarchs (Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Abramovich) are Jewish (something that is a real boon for anti-Semitic propagandists in Russia, by the way) and why the Mafia is dominated by ethnic Jews. Their biographies are so murky it's hard to say just how they got to where they are now. Would you hazard a guess that (possibly) having resources and/or ties abroad gave them a leg up on the rest of the population? Berezovsky used the Right of Return to get Israeli citizenship and funnel money to banks in that country.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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