NDOL on A20

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at efn.org
Tue Apr 16 18:29:25 PDT 2002

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Ian Murray wrote:

> ==================================
> [ http://www.ndol.org ]
> potential to benefit the poor. If developing countries increased
> their share of world exports by just five per cent, this would
> generate $350 billion -- seven times as much as they receive in
> aid.

Says Law goes postmodern. $350 billion of extra coffee, tea, manganese and other primary goods gets you one massive price crash, nothing more. The social structures of unequal exchange have to be overturned, not their juridical codes.

> The report flatly repudiates development models that would
> consign poor countries to subsistence economies or socialism.

Golly, so that explains the perennial bankruptcy of China and the continuing boom of Argentina. The things you learn from Washington-based neolibs in expensive suits!

> These are arguments worthy of debate, and much more
> compelling than anti-capitalist ravings, ill-disguised protectionism,
> or the belief that trashing a McDonald's or a Starbuck's represents
> a blow for the welfare of the world's poor.

The minions of the US one-party state are getting nervous.

They ain't seen nothing yet.

-- Dennis

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