Russian anti-semitism

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Wed Apr 17 00:33:25 PDT 2002

- -What are National Bolsheviks????

Alexandre Fenelon --------------- The NBP is an ideologically ultra-nationalist group founded in 1994 by the writer Eduard Limonov, the philosopher/ideologue Alexander Dugin and the lead singer of the punk band Grazhdanskaya Oborota (Citizen's Defense). Limonov's name you may recogize because he spent the 70s and 80s aftre getting booted out of the USSR first in the States and then in France, where he became a cult cultural icon because of his book "It's Me, Eddie," mainly about how the US is even worse than the Soviet Union. In France he was associated at first with the Socialist Worker's Party and then with right-wing political groups. He fought on the side of the Serbs in the early 90s.

If you read the NBP's literature, they come across as really scary. However, in reality, unless you believe the gun-running charges against Limonov, which I think are a set-up, they are a bunch of street theater bohemian art-fart types trying to shock people. The most violent thing I've ever heard of the NBP doing is throwing rotten eggs at the Latvian embassador, who deserves it. They have more in common with the Dadaists than the Nazis. The guy I rent my apartment from used to hover around the fringes of the NBP, actually.

Limonov's very name is a political bonanza: The NBP's newspaper is called "Limonka," which means "hand grenade," and is also the dimunitive form of Limonov, Little Limonov.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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