Bill Clinton first met R. James Woolsey in '69 at a reunion on Cape Cod of campaign workers for Eugene McCarthy. See the Roger Morris book on Bill and Hillary.
Peretz et. al (Saul Bellow, Wieseltier, Robert Alter, Nathan Glazer) had a quarter pg. ad in the NYT the other day. Website, if memory serves. Michael Pugliese P.S. On Yigal Arens, btw, saw him speak yrs. ago. His Dad was a subject in the Q&A at the conference. Sons and daughters of hawks are often "doves". The son of the head of the Western Hemisphere Directorate of Ops. for the CIA for many yrs., David Atlee Phillips, was a leftish lecturer on Latin American Studies at UCSC. Son of McGeorge Bundy is a lefty.