What's wrong with black markets?

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at russiajournal.com
Tue Apr 23 08:22:25 PDT 2002

CB wrote: What's wrong with black markets ?

Black market clouds ex-communist Europe.

AFP. 20 April 2002. Black market clouds ex-communist Europe. ---------------------------------- This was a pretty dumb article. A lot of the unofficial economic activity the writer is refering to is simply unregistered transactions paid in cash, like growing food on your country plot and selling it in the city, or working for people who pay you in cash, or taking gratuities from people. The latter is how teachers and doctors get enough to live -- I was mugged a few months ago and was knocked out unconscious in the slow for a few minutes, with no gloves, and accordingly got frostbite in my fingers. The treatment was free, but I was expected to leave some money for the doctor. This kind of stuff is not "black market."

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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