Equity and Chocolate Cake (Re: Socialists and Equality)

kelley at pulpculture.org kelley at pulpculture.org
Wed Apr 24 15:57:50 PDT 2002

> Kelly, you have a weeks' supply of Viagra!

Well, hot diggety dog. Grrrls, even snitgrrrls, get wee boners with viagara! didn't ya know that. I could share with all my friends! Didn't suzie bright do a piece on taking viagara? I thought that was the rage for awhile, women scoring some in the black market.... Hmmm.

And yo, anyone who teaches might want to use that equity and chocolate cake thingy in class. It's adapted from Deborah Stone's discussion in policy paradox: the art of political decision making (I think, I didn't check) colleagues have successfully used a small and large bag of m&m's -- the peanuts ones since some students are allergic.

And Shane, the random selection answer is typical, I just left it out for the purposes of my discussion at another list. But, as justin says, it can present problems.

So, Dougster, I hope you can see that even equal slices of cake (equality) can and is inevitably also about perception since it depends on _what_ is being distributed, _to whom_ it is being distributed, and the boundaries drawn around the good and its relation to other goods.


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