The Enrons of the East

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Fri Apr 26 00:22:50 PDT 2002

For those who've never visited Moscow: the Gazprom building is this gigantic postmodernist column-scape of sheer glass and metal torque, utterly distinctive against the skyline. You can grumble about the waste of money involved, but the thing does have undeniable charm.

Of course, that was back in '95. Any other pomo buildings in Moscow?

- -- Dennis ----------------------

There are some office buildings, but Moscow is architecturally pretty conservative. The current vogue is neo-Stalinism -- they are constructing an eighth Seven Spire. (The Seven Spires are the big Stalin-built skyscrapers with big honkin' hammer-and-sickles on them.)

I'm personally partial to the futurist stuff done in the '30s.

I love how Moscow is laid out -- the Gazprom building is smack dab in the middle of a residential district, across from a small children's park and near a bowling alley.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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