The Left's 'starry-eyed view' of Iraq?!

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Sun Apr 28 09:45:01 PDT 2002

Only the Sta-loons at the WWP have a starry eyed view of Comrade Hussein.

My views of Iraq's Ba'athist sub-fascist dictorship are heavily influenced by reading the two books by ex-Trotskyist, Kenen Makiya, "Republic of Fear, " blurbed by the late marxist political scientist at UCB, Michael Rogin and, "Cruelty and Silence, " a powerful polemic (better than TNR's favorite Arab scholar, Fouad Ajami, "The Palace of Dreams, " on the Aranb intelligentsia) on the evasions and silences and disingenousness of too many Arab intellectuals and those in the diaspora. And looking through a recent book by ex-marxist Fred Halliday, "Islam and the Myth of Confrontation, " s/b an enhancement. Halliday's, "arabia Without Sultans, " (haven't read) and late 70's book on Iran (which I did, in college) are also good.

Roberts and Wykeham Films ... BBC Everyman (1992) Iraqi dissident, Kenan Makiya, returns to Iraq and uncovers ... Hidden War (BBC Panorama) - Frontline documentary on Angola's civil war. ...

Cataloging Terror -- Makiya and team lead effort to index Iraqi ... ... Kenan Makiya, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, coordinates a project to catalog millions of pages of documents taken out of Iraq after the Gulf War. Photo by ...

Michael Pugliese

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