Nature mag weighs in on Le Pen

Peter K. peterk at
Mon Apr 29 21:22:45 PDT 2002

>Le Pen says that 80% of the immigrants in France are illegal where
>reputable statisticians put the number at 5-10%. He says he wants to
>round up that 80% and deport them immediately and then pass a law that any
>child born in the country to a non-French person would not get French
>citizenship. And of course he would also ban all legal immigration, which
>is currently running at a flood tide of 0.2% annually. And cease all
>Loathesome as they may be in many ways, I think this still represents a
>view that's off the chart for right-wingers in Congress. No?

That's a good question. Also, I believe Le Pen has said that the French have nothing to apologize for concerning the Holocaust. I was sort of surprised to see Naomi Klein write of her concern about rising anti-Semitism. (the New Republic discussed anti-Semitism in a piece on the recent protests in DC) People should remember that Gore-Lieberman actually got more votes than Bush-Cheney and no one made anything of the fact the Lieberman is Jewish from what I can remember - a good sign. On the other hand, the Holocaust was only 60 years ago.

The irony is that Le Pen and right-wing Israelis see eye to eye concering the Arabs. And many right-wingers in Congress would agree with them. As disappointing as it was to see how the AFL-CIO reacted to the coup in Venezuela, they did move in good direction on immigration recently and so are well to the left of Le Pen.


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