> Don't be silly. I'm absolutely agog to hear what kind of Just So Story you
> and the rest of the Dawkinsite gang are going to tell to explain how, to
> take a random example, standards of beauty take such radically
> different approaches to the question of underarm hair on adult women.
Or breast size. The attractiveness of a number of physical traits clearly varies from culture to culture. It now also seems clear, in light of a fair amount of research, that there are also many physical traits judged by standards bridging all known cultural divides. The latter set seems to have more predictive power: one may show pictures of Japanese women to American men who will rank their attractiveness in an order mirroring that of Japanese men.
-- Luke
> And so on, and so on.
> People think that taking this sort of reductionist approach to complicated
> social questions makes them look all cool and clever and "hard sciencey".
> In actual fact, it just makes you look like you buy a lot of pop science
> books at airports.
> dd
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