Pollitt on Israel

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Thu Aug 1 21:28:16 PDT 2002


She mentions the "neoliberal" Tony Judt, who happens to have an interesting review of a new book on the Six Day War in The New Republic.


"Others, such as the much underestimated Levi Eshkol, receive a distinct boost in their reputation. It was Eshkol who admonished General Ariel Sharon (when Sharon offered to destroy the Egyptian army "for a generation") that "nothing will be settled by a military victory. The Arabs will still be here." And it was Eshkol who asked his military adviser Yigal Yadin, the day after the lightning conquest of the West Bank: "Have you thought yet about how we can live with so many Arabs?" (Yadin's reply is not recorded.)"

Is it odd that the New Republic would publish this review?


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