Intellectuals vs.activism

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Mon Aug 5 11:26:13 PDT 2002

At 04:59 AM 08/05/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>In my experience of academe over the 15 years I was in it, 20 if you count
>undergrad, few professors or grad students are what I would call
>intellectuals. Most of them are technicians, the best of these are good,
>evem excellent, at a narrow craft. They have no interest, for the most part
>in a broader vision. They lack cultivation or humame learning. They have no
>books in their homes. They might as well be auto mechanics for all their

You're absolutely right Justin. One of the reasons I left academia suprised even me: the complete lack of intellectual curiosity. There is more intellectual ferment among software engineers (where I now spend my working hours), then I found among the self-satisfied intellectual policemen at most of the campuses I taught.


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